Pleased to meet you!

When I started toying with the idea to change from a freelance architectural design side line to a formal business, the first thing I needed to consider was what it is that I want to offer to potential clients and why; and how to communicate this offering. Since I have been doing this on my own for a great number of years, I have developed a way of work that is unique to me, my personality and above all my work ethos.

Sitting down and thrashing out what I offer seemed simple enough. Or was it? I can offer the same as just about every other architectural professional: technical knowledge, creativity, relationships with local planners and professional consultants. But was this enough to provide a potential client with the motivation to hit that contact me button?

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I didn’t think so. A great portfolio to showcase ability to design in different materials and in various contexts was key to demonstrate technical ability and design flair. Along with personality. I work with people and their dreams, aspirations, frustrations and even fears. Making a strong connection on a personal level is crucial for the longevity of a project’s relationships.

This realisation brought me to the next stage of building a business.

The name.

After coming up with a few cracking names like Architology (what’s not to like about this one?) and Simplexity (design is after all a simple, yet complex process) I realised that I AM the brand.

It’s all about me! Quite a startling realisation for somebody who is much more of a behind the scenes kind of person.

So here I am, the person and the brand. Get to know me and my architectural design expertise through the pages of this website.

If you like what you see, tell your friends, family, neighbours and business colleagues and call me!


Site progress: Cobbler’s Mount