About you

Has the time come to create a home that truly reflects your aspirations, ambitions, hopes & dreams?

Is working from home, a new addition to the family or changes in your circumstances forcing you to think about creating a home that better suit your requirements? Has your frustration with where or how you live brought you to the point of seeking professional architectural services?

Every project is deeply personal. Each one requires bespoke, imaginative solutions designed around your specific circumstances, aspirations and of course, budget.
And I can guide you through the process

My process is designed to highlight risks, provide quality information at the right time to provide answers to those questions and reduce uncertainty as much as possible.

I will guide you on the journey to experiencing your new and improved home for the first time.

A home that tells the story of you.

A home that offers better living, by design.

About me

I qualified as an architect in South Africa before moving to the UK more than 20 years ago. My career as architectural designer in the UK started off at Lyons + Sleeman + Hoare where I was part of the team that delivered Festival Place in Basingstoke. In the following years I completed an MBA, a Prince 2 qualification and worked as a senior project manager at Davis Langdon (now AECOM).

The greatest testament to my work is receiving messages from my clients telling me they have noticed a new detail or when the sun catches a new corner they haven’t noticed before, long after the keys were handed back to them.

Then my professional life took a back seat to make way for raising my family. During this time, I continued to work as a freelance architectural designer creating extensions, kitchens and even garden sheds for friends and family.

Over the past few years I have built my design studio by delivering sensitive residential designs that improves my clients’ day to day living and which continues to delight them long after the keys were handed over to them at completion.

Palm Studio section study

Palm Studio section study

My toolbox


Technical knowledge is what gets buildings built, but empathy with my clients’ frustrations and aspirations transforms my designs from practical to simply wonderful!


‘What if?’ is central to my design process. It makes for a messy but dynamic and fun journey laying the foundations (pun intended :o) for a special kind of magic in home design.


I design each home as if it is my own, with lots of energy and enthusiasm. I encourage generous collaboration with my clients. It’s the only way to design something fabulously special!

Summer Solstice 5h30 various shutters 1.png